Electricity duty Exemption in Gujarat- 1958..........................................

  • Electricity duty is a duty charged by government of Gujarat on consumption of Electricity We can say it is tax on sale of electricity consumers are suppose to pay the duty to licensee who supply the electricity They collect the duty from consumer and pays to govt. of Gujarat
  • Some time People/Industry generate the Electricity by DG sets or other means than they are also subject to pay the duty generated and consume by them at the rate prescribe by state government
  • Gujarat government gives exemption in paying electricity duty to varies consumer in different condition for different provides
  • Now, We discuss for limited portion of electricity duty to be paid and avail electricity exemption in certain case related with manufacturing industries only

Electricity duty charges of

  • Electricity duty in 10% of Electricity bill generated in case of L.T. power connection
  • Electricity duty in 15% of Electricity bill generated in case of H.T. power connection
  • Electricity duty on DG set capacity up to 125 KVA
  • Electricity duty on DG Set capacity more than 125 KVA is 55 paisa/unit generated and consume by the consumer

For more details regarding Electricity duty kindly meet personally in our office with prior appointment on Mob. 9825275080/9427706485.

Electricity duty exemption

Electricity duty Exemption is available in Gujarat state for following Industries

  • Electricity duty Exemption is available for any new manufacturing unit in Gujarat for first 5 years
  • Electricity duty Exemption is available for first new manufacturing unit in Gujarat for first 5 years
  • Now a day's electricity duty exemption is also available for expansion of existing units with certain conditions for 5 years
  • Electricity duty is exempted for D.G.Sets up to 125 KVA capacity
  • Electricity duty is Exemption for D.G.Set more than 125 KVA for the period they avail the electricity duty exemption in power i.e. it is related with electricity duty on power
  • Electricity duty at the rate 55 Paisa/unit is payable for Electricity duty generated and consume in industries by DG set heving total capacity of DG set more than 125 KVA

For more details kindly contact personally in our office with prior appointment on Mob. 9825275080/9427706485.

Some Important points for Electricity duty exemption for Industries

  • For obtaining Electricity duty exemption on power for H.T. or L.T. connection one has to apply within 90 days from the date of starting of production to avail full duty exemption along with D.G. Set installation if any.
  • D.G. Set registration with Electricity duty commissioner is mandatory.

Electricity duty Exemption in Gujarat is available for Industries as under

Electricity duty Exemption is available in Gujarat state for following Industries

  • New first manufacturing unit in Gujarat for first 5 years
  • Exemption of manufacturing industries in Gujarat.
  • New First manufacturing unit in Gujarat state
  • DG Set for more than 125 KVA capacity if it is eligible for exemption in power
  • Electricity duty exemption is for 5 years in Gujarat state for industries
  • We provide Liaison services to acquire Electricity duty exemption from commissioner of Electricity duty Gandhinagar.

For more details kindly contact personally in our office with prior appointment on Mob. 9825275080/9427706485.